About Us

At Stitt Law Firm, our mission is to provide compassionate and effective legal representation to individuals and families navigating complex family law matters. With over three decades of experience, Raoul Stitt, has been a dedicated advocate in countless cases in the Jackson Co. Prosecuting Attorney's Family Support Division.
Our dedication to excellence extends beyond mere legal expertise. We understand the emotional toll that family law issues can exact on individuals and families. That's why we approach each case with expertise, empathy, sensitivity, and a commitment to achieving the best possible outcome for our clients.
We believe in empowering our clients with the knowledge and understanding they need to navigate the complex and often confusing family law system. We take the time to explain the legal concepts and process involved in their case, ensuring that our clients are fully informed and equipped to make informed decisions.

Our Services

Whether you are facing a challenging child support dispute or navigating the complexities of custody or visitation, you can trust Stitt Law Firm to provide the skilled legal representation and unwavering support you deserve.

Family Law:

Our firm represents parties in family law disputes involving establishment, modification, and enforcement of custody and visitation orders.

Child Support Law:

We specialize in child support matters, offering representation in disputes regarding establishment, enforcement, and modification of child support orders, ensuring the best interests of the child are emphasized and the rights and circumstances of each parent are taken into account.

Our Mission:

At Stitt Law Firm, our mission is clear: to be a beacon of hope and guidance for individuals and families navigating the turbulent waters of family law. We understand that legal matters involving family law are often fraught with emotion, uncertainty, and complexity. Our mission is to provide appropriate support, steadfast advocacy, and expert legal counsel to every client we represent.